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      • 系  室:网络空间安全系
        职  称:讲师





      2019.9-2024.7 中国科学院大学 计算机科学与技术学院 信息安全 博士

      2015.9-2018.7 中国科学院大学 计算机科学与技术学院 计算机技术 硕士

      2010.9-2014.7 哈尔滨工业大学 计算机科学与技术学院 信息安全(主修)、财务管理(辅修) 双学士


      2018.7-2019.7 中国信息通信研究院 安全所


      [1] He F, Jia Y, Zhao J, et al. Maginot Line: Assessing a New Cross-app Threat to PII-as-Factor Authentication in Chinese Mobile Apps[C]// 2024 Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium. (CCF A, 安全顶会)

      [2] He F, Wang J, Huang Y,et al. LibGuard: Protecting Sensitive Data In Android Third-Party Libraries From XLDH Attacks. International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks. 2024.

      [3] He F, Zhang Y, Liu H, et al. SCPN-based Game Model for Security Situational Awareness in the Intenet of Things[C]// 2018 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security. IEEE, 2018.

      [4] He F, Zhang Y, Liu D, et al. Mixed Wavelet-Based Neural Network Model for Cyber Security Situation Prediction Using MODWT and Hurst Exponent Analysis[C]//Network and System Security. 2017:99-111.

      [5] Feng M, He F, Huang k, et al. Meta-learning for Automated Software Vulnerability Repair.[C] 2024 IPMI.

      [6] Zha J, Yang Y, He F, et al. Your App's Account is not Secure: Identifying Implementation Flaws of SMS OTP Authentication[C]// 2023 MobileSec.

      [7] Liu D, Dong L, Lv S, et al. A Novel Approach to Network Security Situation Assessment Based on Attack Confidence [C]//International Conference on Network and System Security. Springer, Cham, 2017: 450-463.

      [8] Liu C, Wang W, Zhang Y, et al. Predicting the Popularity of Online News Based on Multivariate Analysis[C]//IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology. IEEE, 2017:9-15.

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